Thursday, July 7, 2011

Never thought I'd do this...

Well, it's official.  I never thought I'd do this.  Never thought I'd be a "blogger."  I guess I'm coloring outside of the lines of my own expectations today.  Some thoughts instantly enter my head: what am I supposed to write?  Does anyone really care what I have to say?  Should I introduce myself?  

I guess I'll begin with introductions.  I'm a mom of one very energetic 3 year old girl named Lillian. Coincidentally, I've never bothered to teach her to color inside the lines.  Will this affect her long-term goals and the expectations her parents have of her going to college one day?  Only time will tell.  I also have one little boy on the inside who kicks an awful lot and will be making his debut in the world some time in November of this year.  We have a dog, Chewie, that we love-he does bark a lot, though.  I'm a teacher, which comes in handy since I can't decide whether or not I'd like staying home all of the time and this way I get the best of both worlds with school breaks at home.  Here's a picture of Lillian's announcement to family and friends that she is expecting a baby brother:

Introductions are now complete.  Now onto today's coloring expedition.  I'm thinking blue today.  I just found out yesterday this little guy in my belly is a boy, so thoughts of blue keep swirling around in my head.  My husband wants the baby's room to be blue, I'm voting yellow...maybe I'm still in shock.  I can't believe I'll have one of each.  What will happen to our house that is currently dominated by princesses and shades of pinks and purples?  Good thing we have inherited enough toys from my sister's family of four children to include some farmhouses, little people, and cars!  Although, I have a feeling there will be a time where my little boy is dressed up in a princess tiara and high heels courtesy of his sister.  I'll be sure to snap plenty of pictures to show his first girlfriend when she comes over...